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  • NY campers

    I suppose I could move my armory elsewhere, but what difference does it make anyhow? If you have a char you really don't want to die then it has to go out into the middle of nowhere to hide from strong NPCs and other players. My armory would be just as safe in Tau-37 as it is in NY; the only two things that could change are transfers taking an extra ten or fifteen minutes from travel times, and that people would make less interaction as a result of their greater distribution throughout the syst…
  • NY campers

    So to sum thingss up I'm seeing two competing ideas here: 1. NY becomes off-limits to refugees, cowards, and becomes a place that you cannot camp or loiter in once you're over level 40. This would prevent the no-PvP protection from protecting players who deserve to be destroyed, attacked, and/or hunted. It also helps prevent serverclans from unethically recruiting people in NY before they become properly aquainted with the clans and their roles, and forces freelancers' and minor clans' armories…
  • NY campers

    I'm reading all this and realize that it doesn't matter what happens, somebody is going to be upset about the outcome. If things stay how they are, the hunters of cowards and people who want to cause mischeif by killing armories and newbies will be angry. If the no-PvP status of NY is lifted, new players, those who are helping them, and the people who like to take a break from fighting while still in space will be mad. If you ban players from over a certain level from entering the system the bul…
  • NY campers

    (Quote) I know plenty of veterans who revel in the pain of others. I know for a fact that if the no-PvP ban were lifted in NY my armory wouldn't even survive the trip to its new home. I don't have the time (dozens of hours) to re-collect all of the weapons and unique items that would be lost. I don't even have time to trade anymore to keep my coffers full. If my armory was destroyed not even a ban would satisfy me; I would hunt those who supported the attacker until my chars become bankrupt and…