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  • I don't see what the problem is... as an avid, agressive member of an Order clan, this is a great gift. If the DK clan doesn't get shouted out of existance I would be more than glad to partake in 24/7 no-negotiations RP with you. A small Order clan against a small Dom'Kavash clan makes for great gameplay for me at least. All of you can say whatever you want, but the this is the first time a feasible opponent for the BD has become apparant. I look forward to meeting your members serverside... we …
  • If you look at this thread as a whole you'll find that it's very critical and slightly hostile. If there's a serverrule that is about to be broken discuss that, but otherwise none of you have any business telling a clan what to do. A simple "Hello, welcome to CF" will suffice. Lol, if I had gotten this responce when I first came here I would have deleted the mod and gone to another server the same day If any of the newcommers need help PM me plz, I can be rather handy at answering questions
  • Hmmm... are you going to ever add to the serverrules for these things? People might get confused when you tell them that they aren't allowed to do things when it isn't explicity prohibited in the server rules. It should also be made clear somewhere that if you aren't a paying player or subject to the rule of one of the serverclans you're not an important one. It would save people the trouble of making chars if you alienated them before they get the illusion that they can do what they want here …