Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • People have always taken RP too personally here it seems. Everyone chill out and remember that it's the RP and human communication that makes MP better than SP. Don't be sore after a fight, say "gf" to one another and walk it off. Pirates should act like pirates, and shouldn't be harrassed or intimidated when they're just doing their role. Lol, have fun people! (btw, I was not the dragon mentioned in the first post, lol. 8))
  • The license is necessary so that other players can know what your RP is my merely scanning you. If you have no license it is assumed that you don't have an RP. As most clans trade, smuggle, and occasionally do merc-like activities, I would say the pirate licenses are completely appropriate. If you tax with a char, give it a pirate license. If you have a char that does nothing but smuggle or do merc work, give those chars different licenses. Hehe, it's just how the system works here As for retal…
  • Sounds like Military vs. Pirate RP. That's good; it shows that the system works
  • Teh, your remarks should be more considered and worded more carefully. I understand your points but the name-calling is childish and possibly offensive to those targeted. Free expression is great, but I for one grow weary of your crude mannerisms Now I think I get why this is happening and respect it, but I would ask certain people not to victimize this clan unless they are sure of the tangible grounds upon which to do it. As far as I can see this is Pirate RP and nothing more. It isn't anythin…
  • (Quote) Take a moment and look at the clans... all of them. Notice that none of them do 1 RP? BG for instance is military. You are a military pilot, but do you not also trade, smuggle, and sometimes participate in police-like RP? I veiw clans' RPs as less of being 1 fixed role as an array of all of the RPs balanced in a certain way. It is my impression that nearly all clans participate in many RPs, but only recognise and celebrate one of them
  • (Quote) Except me. I'm the friendly pirate