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  • UAC

    We're losing UAC too? -_- I've grown fond of a great number of people over the past few months, but I must say that it's rather hard watching them all leave in clan-sized groups for other servers I never see DC members around, PiA and UAC are gone, and what's next? I don't like what's happening to this community at all, and the suspence is a bit unnerving. Are people going to keep leaving on this scale, or is this the equivelent to a factory worker losing his arm in an accident ?(? (Btw, imao t…
  • UAC

    Ruivo, you are a fine person and have always strived for finding solutions. You cut through all the garbage and see things for what they are. I wish you good fortune hope that your lot find greener pastures at NQ. As for me, I'm torn between the parts of the community that are still here and the ones that are elsewhere. I will stay because my closest friends are in the part of it left here, but I am disgusted by the sheer ignorance and prejudice displayed by certain people. It's uncivilized and …
  • UAC

    @ Ruivo: Even the wisest of us make mistakes Ruivo, don't be too hard on yourself. I for one still trust you. I listened to your rationale for leaving long before you posted it, and with the information you had at the time your actions were completely reasonable. Had you known then what you did now none of this would have ever happened. I for one forgive this simple misunderstanting and warmly welcome you back. It'll be very nice having this many friends back and about I hope the rest of you ca…
  • UAC

    I always thought the "Let's Dance" thing came from WC . But a prefect game...there must be at least a little divinity in there somewhere It never occured to me btw that getting through Nephele would be hard. I just parked outside the gate and asked a person. I didn't know if he understood, so I simplified my request, and a moment later the person's associate cleared me. I pinch of patience never killed anyone, so everybody stop making that an issue
  • UAC

    Perhaps it was your subconscious (the bottle) associating with Chuck Norris?
  • UAC

    (Quote) I'm glad you see my fuzzy logic 8), rofl.
  • UAC

    I do not understand the question, could you rephrase plz?
  • UAC

    If you meant the important bullitins on this forum, they can be found scrolling across the site horizontally near the top of the page or in the corresponding sections of the forum involving news and the mod.
  • UAC

    Np (btw, you're Fox Blade's cousin right? Hehe, it seems that noble-mindedness and righteousness of a most admirable kind is a family trait :D)
  • UAC

    Ah, there it went :D! I'm the guy to arms the warhead and presses the big, red button ^^. Quickly Blur, carry the weapon away from my console so that I don't get sunburnt during the blast
  • UAC

    -_- *declares thread a spammers' free-for-all*