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  • First of all a big sorry to OP for falling onto his nerves! Did some more testing together with Martin Forlon and SilverFox and.... It's working again! I still don't understand exactly where the problem was (and it looks like I wasn't the only person with that issue) but here's what helped me:- SilverFox provided me with a copy of his mpnewchar.fl to make sure I have the correct file after the update prior to x-mas, but that was identical to the one I already had in my installation (compared th…
  • Just because you don't see them it doesn't mean they're not after you!
  • First of all a big sorry to OP for falling onto his nerves! Did some more testing together with Martin Forlon and SilverFox and.... It's working again!I still don't understand exactly where the problem was (and it looks like I wasn't the only person with that issue) but here's what helped me:- SilverFox provided me with a copy of his mpnewchar.fl to make sure I have the correct file after the update prior to x-mas, but that was identical to the one I already had in my installation (compared the…