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  • You can leave New York through the Custodian gate after Mission 1. Do not go to Alaska/Tohoku/any of the story systems, the X-3043 gate there might disappear once you get Juni's call. Just go to Vega or Neophobos, and take the same way back. After mission 2, you can simply take the escape pods to Texas.
  • (Quote from guenni7)sometimes you just want to finish a game's campaign uninterrupted, without having to worry about unlocking the next mission/needing more money.But usually you can sell escape pods from your last story mission, and the next one will unlock.After mission 1, it is possible to go to Custodian, X-3043 and sell your pods in Vega (Karnak Prison) or Neophobos (Ghats Prison).Stay out of Alaska, I tried selling there, but the jumpgate to X-3043 disappeared after leveling up.bonus tip: …