Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • Nice summary - and it looks pretty accurate considering the number of old geezers I meet in game. Maybe the 57 65+ year olds can form their own clan and some sort of Lords Tribunal where all our petty squabling and fighting gets resolved? These geezers probably have lots of wisdom. We can call it the Crossfire Ancients Club or even the Solomon Soothsayers. Noce to see also a third of us are women - and that explains a lot about some people online too.
  • Shouldnt there be a category for 15-17 for people like me? Its frustrating that us youths are left out of the statistical analysis yet again - shame!"!
  • Maybe OP has been selling our personal details to US marketing companies. I think we all should expect some unsolicited emails from dodgy US firms selling life insurance and enquiring whether we want to pay $100 for a health check. OP? how much did you get to sell us down the river and will you invest those funds into the maintenance of the server or buy yourself a new holiday home in Florida? Doesn't Data Protection exist in this place? I am calling my lawyer - Tito where are you mate?
  • Right - I have checked all OPs emails and run a info scanner through his harddrive - he has been secretly compiling dodgy dossiers on each char on Crossfire - apparently he gets $50.00 for each submission - I have found mine - and I can PM the rest out - if you ask - for $49.99. Maudib Gender: Depends on the roleplay situation - Transexual Geobender Age: Much lower since he removed the grey hairs - about 20 I would say Hosuehold Income: Negative equity due to lack of tax receipts collected - bu…
  • Argos Gender: Male but in those days of Jason and his Argonauts - there was a lot of experimentation Age: Wedding plans had temporaraliy aged him but last few weeks his youthful looks are returning, but he wears a confused look every now and again due to ongoing assessment of happy relationships recently elevated to plateuas beyond imagining Hosuehold Income: Unemployed student with too much time on his hands - main bread winner is notable bounty hunter without equal - and she is pleasant about…