Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • Survey - opinion poll Has the server gone nuts? Is this an alternative dimension - have we all been sucked into OPs weird dimensional anomaly? Are these strange and inexplicable things actually happening?
  • Er... I used to post here a bit then moved on. Sorry I post guys, I lost all the details of the other one, ie password and even the email it was registered too. Gonzo, you just watch that other post and hit anyone for 50mill that posts after it.
  • You are both off topic But as you raised bounties and mercs Mercs have never had a requirement imposed on them to declare openly to their prey. Read the server rules here ... I can remember quite clearly SL clan never did this - they just did the job and dealt with any consequences afterwards. Most of the time there was not any consequences as people recognised their rp And they definately were not KOS status for any server clan because of their w…
  • (Quote) That could be the case - or could it be that IOC and DD have taken jobs from whomever and without fear. We all know relationships develop and change - not many things are written in stone. Even if what you say is true and is a reason to KOS them, both the cops and military have had a far longer relationship with their true enemies - dastardly pirates. Where a KOS relationship exists from long ago and is well known. And in all my time here, I have never seen a massive attack outside Dead…
  • It seems strange that you dont want something - but your actions ensure that it happens faster. DD and IOC have not declared any KOS status on the cops or military (or anyone actually) - all they have declared is they will not give any warning to their prey. That seems fair enough to me and has long precedent here. If you ask me this DD XXX, or prepare to die stuff from mercs is MERC LITE, but anyhows. Pirates still tax DD and DD still hitman pirates. But they are allies. I therefore dont see w…
  • (Quote) Good for you Gonzo, you have achieved spiritual enlightment level one, quicker than a lot of people here (including me I would add). Dont' pay all the time, give and take, be generous with your wallet as well as your guns. Keep the rp flexible and unpredictable, a genuine surprise is most cherished. Pretty soon you will be able to levitate to level 2