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  • Greetings Crossfirelings! Tis' Blackwood, the new pilot around the Crossfire Universe. I've finished the Freelancer Campaign not but a week ago and.. well found this lovely mod. I dive-bombed into it and surprisingly enough, stuck with it. I've had mostly no problems up until now, I've managed to train myself in very tight situations(that and dying 10-20 times) and survive.. or I just cruise the hell out, if I can. Biggest problem I have at the moment, is the Ancient Drone. I've looked through …
  • Neat'o Ditt'o! Thank you alot! I've passesd the bloody Ancients.. hardfought, but I managed to work around a small tactic involving engine kill, strafe and hit&run.. In any case! Afterwards was even more hellish! Haha.. ouch.. I'm glad engine kill helps alot, when the Warrior and other Dom's are charging in groups. I've reached the Dom'Kavash System, starting their quest on Chapter 9.Quick question; Is there any kind of ships I can get out of that system or after it ?