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  • in crossfire 2.0 clan leaders will be able to rename ships of other players. this makes it much more attractive for players to join a clan, because now they don't have to create new chars and delete the old ones. thx a lot to dev-team for this great improvement my question: is this renaming connected only to the clan-tags? i.e. a player with name "i-am-a-player" can be renamed only to "|DP|i-am-a-player" (in case he wants to join DP )? or is it possible to give him a name like "|DP|i-am-a-kille…
  • oh NucNuc, it becomes complicated now. what, if a player wants to exit the clan? then the CL must be able to rename the char again imo the ability to rename should be restricted to some certain players such as CL (maybe GR or EM would make sence too) but then without any further restrictions i.e. should be not linked to own clan.