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  • So how it is to get???
  • If you are talking about Altair, its not a surprize, its a disappointment. As I heard there would be Coalition Systems in the new CF mod. I was almost happy. I dont know if I really should, but Ok, I will tell you the reason. Im living in Germany, but Im born and grew up in Russia. So I was almost happy to be able to fly with "russian" ships and to live in "russian" systems. So I think you can understand how disappointed I was, as I saw, that I cant dock to them, cant buy their ships, nothing. …
  • Fourty-Seven: Salute Brother! Yes, you are right, and thats the reason why I dont like yet to visit Altair. Coz my brothers there are still my enemies. But if OP will make them as a full fraction, like other, with bases and ships, I WILL JOIN!!! And then HHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to all enemies!!! Titan_Addict: I think the project of Starlancer has much to do wiht cold war, the enemies are the same.And do you really mean, people with WHITE HATS are "good guys"????And I think it was right, that the…
  • I want to make it by myself, but I just need to know, how to change my actual picture to a new one.