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  • Anti-Jokes

    a baby seal walks into a club...
  • Anti-Jokes

    what does mickey mouse do every day? minnie mouse
  • Anti-Jokes

    a man goes to a grocery store. while he is there, he buys bread, cheese, and he's checking out, the cashier says: "hey, you're single, aren't you?"the man is amazed. "wow, that's incredible. how did you know that?""you're ugly."
  • Anti-Jokes

    If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests? (Hidden Content)
  • Anti-Jokes

    The Christmas Elf Massacre Buy me a beer if you want the story toldOf why I moved down South from the frost and cold.Why I’m knee deep in therapy, liquor, and pills.Why I’ve given up charity in lieu of cheap thrills. Why I loathe mistletoe, fruitcake and bells --And why I’ll celebrate Xmas when it freezes in hell.You’ll never see this elf make angels in snow.Hey thanks for the booze – so I guess here it goes: “Twas the night after Christmas in the North PoleNo creatures were stirring, not one l…