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  • Observation

    ur ping of 200 and no loss: others do have that as well and can play - since op is testing services it seems to be a good idea to report such things (as also requested by Op) and just to say it once more: after u lost connection/log off... PLEASE let the launcher do the updates again!
  • Observation

    "chat lag" - lol
  • Observation

    (Quote) i could reduce the array for welcome message and banner messages in the next version (as that is what takes most of what i included)... (Quote) since FLHook is a DLL loaded by flserver.exe it uses the same context: it has the same memory access and runs in the same thread... therefore impossible to seperate FLHook and flserver.exe
  • Observation

    sorry, but i don't see an option to assign different CPUs to FLServer and FLHook: even [SIZE=3]IF[/SIZE] the FLServer does call "hooked" routines from the FLHook.dll within a second thread (this would mean the FLServer is multi-threading), then i don't see any option as how to separate those 2. i think i read on LR about an advice to assign FLServer to one CPU on a multi-processor system or u would get into troubles? if not then [SIZE=3]IF[/SIZE] (and only [SIZE=3]IF[/SIZE]) FLServer is multi-t…
  • Observation

    ok, i check the sources of 1.4.2
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    please wait for things to be examined... and to speak with the famous words form Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "DON'T PANIC!"
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    i certainly do! thx very much...
  • Observation

    i do a beta without that timer - as suggested by w0dk4 - as soon im home and send it to you, op! (the arrays will be done during the week...) its 9 timers in flhook (crossfire version): ProcessPendingCommandsHkTimerUpdatePingDataHkTimerUpdateLossDataHkTimerCheckKickHkTimerNPCAndF1Check//HkTimerCheckIfBaseDestroyed <-- this one is to be testedHkTimerCheckResolveResultsHkTimerBannerHkTimerCloakHandler
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    the main change to reduce sever load was that edit that came from w0dk4 (he saved me some hours of work on finding out which timer procedure in flhook caused trouble) - so thanks to him from me!
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    thx for this report i sent a PM to Op. he knows what to do to make it go away (after all: it does not do any harm, it's just not looking good )
  • Observation

    collision with objects (debris, asteroids, NPC, player ships...) does damage. there were no changes on FLHook concerning death messages... and Gunny is a very good fighter, the pilots could have queued up...^^
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    but it was u who made the kill? is it just the wrong missile/weapon displaying or the wrong pilot in this message? did some NPC "help" there?
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    ill have a look, thx for reporting...
  • Observation

    thx - tho BS have several parts going splash damage when destroyed - maybe something to do with splash damage... (still wrong text shown ) about F1: try to wait for a moment before clicking respawn ( > 3 mins) - see if it still does fine u, please...
  • Observation

    thx for testing - now that i know its BS splash damage: how to get around it * sigh*^^
  • Observation

    the problem i have to find this flhook error: it cannot be reproduced on my machine. it is also not happening on the server on a predictable base. i cannot find a procedure like "if i do this it will crash on next restart" - it is actually not even a complete crash, as the server still remains online... i am working on a version of flhook to help to find this bug which will be finished soon... GLS provoking a server crash sounds strange, but u never know^^
  • Observation

    (Quote) sorry to say this, but - yes, i would suggest to do a clean install...
  • Observation

    (Quote) yes i am as sure as i can when it comes to this "weird behavior"^^i had wrong texts shown, did a clean install and it was back to normal. these texts do come from libraries on your own machine, not from the server... a server crash that does reboot your PC: strange, that never happened to me... (that means i dont have a clue why this happened to ur PC^^)