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  • (Quote from Michael) You still have an excuse, as if she gets some patience, she gets her hero on Black Eagle/B*tching Fury/whatever ship you want loaded with good dakka instead of same guy on Defender or whatever with Class 3-4 guns.Though given that she has a Mark of Tzeentch or something other that gives her ship ability to take flakload of hits yet survive, doubt that she would benefit from it.Also, no mention of Werewolf on Pittsburgh? 8kk, but top-end equipment mounts and nice cargo hold.…
  • (Quote)Welcome to (Hidden Content)In all honesty, you're still fighting while being outnumbered, though if you wish to have a challenge, it's up to you:) (Quote)And to some bases that have good equipment, or to a wreck that has some sweet loot, or for some missions... btw, (Hidden Content)BTW I wonder how she's able to reach me when I was on a "crusade" in Omicron Alpha... Though do note that if you'll make her waiting for too long, she'll throw a fit and make all hostile forces neutral to you,…
  • (Quote)But that's what happens if you'll keep her waiting, so it's kinda the reminder that it's time to give the attention to the storyline