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  • So the new crafting system is released on an unsuspecting player base tomorrow, and the new mechanics are essentially the same as drop boxes: you really have no idea or control over what you will get. I copied the following synopsis from the STO forums; the original source is: Crafting Summary At the end, there is also a materials conversion table, showing what the old crafting materials may be exchanged for; source: Materials Chart The info provided here falls into two categories.. those who a…
  • Judging from the firestorm on the STO forums, you'd think that PWE just shot the Pope. Obviously, they are not overly concerned about pleasing their fan base; after all, once you've got someone hooked into a lifetime subscription, you've already got their money! IMO, the user interface is prettier, but not as user-friendly (at least for advanced players). The free pack of holo-Doffs takes 18 DOff slots to open, and they are all commons, so I just threw mine into the bank, probably never to be u…
  • Last night, I did some cleanup in our Fleet banks ( they had gotten pretty disorganized), and while I was in there, I also converted the old crafting materials into new ones. Sadly, there seems to be no use for the old schematics, though they are still in the bank for now. The new material categories are fewer, but the materials converted into fairly large numbers of new ones, albeit common & uncommon with few Rares and no Very Rares. Sadly, even the most avid Cryptic fans admit that this is th…
  • Now that we've had some time to look more closely at the new crafting reputation system (might as well be honest here), here are a few observations that might be helpful to players who want to try out the "system": 1. Crafting 9.5 is second only to Fleet holdings with respect to time & treasure required to reach a desired result, so plan on pushing through for a few months before crafting any actual components or equipment. 2. There are reportedly 15 levels in each of the 7 schools, each level …
  • (Quote)Hmmm... no, that would be me, actually (filling out lvl 4 ATM). Other recent observations: 1. As you level up, more R&D slots open up, apparently to a maximum of 5 concurrent projects (assuming you have enough DOffs to fill them). At lvl 4, I now have 3 available slots.2. The "R&D Assistance" mission at the Academy is just an expensive materials box (1000 dil for maybe a dozen or so samples, including a few rares).3. The amount of experience boost per 20hr mission depends on your critica…
  • I've been monitoring STO forum traffic on the Crafting system, and came away with these recent items: 1. The Skill level cap was originally stated to be lvl 15, but the system actuall tops out at lvl 20 (2.07 mio XP). MK XII items can reportedly be crafted starting at lvl 15.2. The best way to conserve resources while leveling is to use your best science & engineering DOffs in the experience point projects, saving actual crafting till later.3. Use the science & exploration DOff missions to gath…