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  • Maybe it is not proper place to ask this but...when campaign starts? I mean, I have clean installation of FL and CF 2.0 (updated allready couple times during launcher start), I started game, took some missions with Trent (three or four) and waiting to meet Juni, but nothing? It is how suppose to be or...? Just a hint... Tnx.
  • My bad, I did not ask properly...I know this about CF missions (I'm playing CF from ver. 1.7). I thought about how to start vanilla campaign, how to trigger it? As I said, I've done couple missions taken from different employers but still didn't start vanilla campaign. I hope I was clear now?! Sorry and tnx again.
  • (Quote from Martind Forlon) I did just that ! I have to reinstall all? Frack! Okey, tnx for time! My best regards!!!
  • Yup, switching from Open SP to normal SP work flawlessly! Tnx everyone for help with this one!!!