Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • This blockade will not happen. We will not police this route at all. It is obvious people do not want to rp and if so, they want to blow things out of proportion. End of this discussion.
  • @ everyone.....there is more to this than what you are reading here. I know someone will blow this out of proportion and start a shooting match that will get out of hand or start spreading lies about CFPD did this, CFPD did that. Which we have already experienced. Afraid> Not on your life. But I will avoid a server wide issue.
  • (Quote) Now what does that mean. I remember the last "blockade" here. Players want to complain about losing 25 million in cargo, well we tried to "fine" people for transporting (just like the real world) and we were accused of being pirates( Granted there was one fine that was excessive). So your options are two; Drop the cargo ( and lose 25 million) or be shot down ( lose 25 million) or run and make it with escorts. CFPD has instructions to patrol the entire route and not just sit in one syste…
  • @ need to decide what KRT is going to do for your role. Not switch it to fit the times. Merc are Mercs. Pirates are pirate etc. As for the BM patrols. they are happening and in place.