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Search results 1-8 of 8.

  • (Quote) I like that idea
  • Ok here is the definition to your question: As long as clan members have all related chars tagged, then it is legal. If members SHARE a pc in two clans or as clan / FL, then you could be accused of having a "fake" character. So, its legal until you get caught/
  • Actually Straw, this has happened hundreds of times before you and will happen again. But I can easily tell if its the same player using different tagged chars....I do have my ways. You tagged the char like I requested, so I dont see an issue.
  • Crossfire Chess Club? Now we are on to something!!
  • For the record, I support 2 chars. 1. fighter 1. Trader ...and the SP's get one extra slot for our Rags. Bet most of you didn't know SP's lose a char slot As a side note: Burro and I had some fun hunting each other 3/4 way across the universe last night. Something like Stutt to X to Dublin, but the end resulted in some good exchanges in melee.
  • You know Chutes & Ladders was a cool game.......
  • The Shroud used to be a good fighter, now it is a worthless piece of space junk. The Lagg is busted and bad, but hey, who cares. Key is have a very fast ship and hold your missle button down. Lagg I don't like and yes I have used it myself. But with only 8300 armor (upgrade to 16600) it still takes a boat load of missles to kill that damn thing even with direct hits. My biggest concern is how some folks missles are more accurate than others, even if fired in equal environments......there is cer…
  • The general point is C9. that it used to be a very equal environment on CF in fights, but for some reason that has changed. (nothing to do with the players). As for missles, for most US players, they constantly lose locking...why I dont know, but I can make an educated guess. I have been here since the early days of 1.4 and I am telling you, many things here are better than ever, but some things have gone for the worse as far as game play. But thats all part of evolution.