Search Results

Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • Observation

    Yes I have noticed as substantial improvement in all functions while in game. Edit: I checked the server info while on SP duties and I noticed the server up for 11:11:29 and we did not experience any difficulties. Some players still need to learn to turn-off certain features on their pc's, but other than that, this is looking very good.
  • Observation

    splash damage on the 2nd player.....2 for the price of 1
  • Observation

    The server was doing an update at some point as posted in another thread.
  • Observation

    Mother ships at Jupiter?????? Or GunBoats?
  • Observation

    Well that can be arranged how do we get the black sedans there???
  • Observation

    (Quote) Yep same shit here. I logged on and tried to switch chars. Saw about 11 people there but I was kicked. Oh well., time to play another game until this is fixed.
  • Observation

    <-------------------Doesn't care about GS. I use direct connect anyway.
  • Observation

    LAN option
  • Observation

    Last time I checked, the DK in Sol only caused the individual to crash, not the whole server. I was online last night for a long period of time, FLHOOK worked fine and I did not have any issues. Now from my experience, when you target an NPC and you see text that is not normal, yes I agree with a clean install since that has been the stage where I don't have good game performance.