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  • Fully Functional ship, this ship has seven engines and thrusters so enough power to get you anywhere guaranteed as well as good armor.Level six equipment, shields, guns etc all compatible and not to mention what looks like a jet engine powering this ship on top but in space!lol.:D500 nanobots/shield batteries and 500 units of cargo space.:)Change Log 1.00Fixed gun point mounting,Fixed shield class choice,Fixed camera angle issues,Fixed torpedo launcher/cruise disruptor mounting,Fixed countermea…
  • No lol TP means Torpedo Launcher, I short handed everything in the additional equipment area to fit everything in.M=Missile Launcher,CD/M=Cruise Disruptor/Counter Measure,Second M=Mine of course.I know some of those isn't really needed to be in the additional equipment area but, I'm OCD lol.And I class everything apart from guns/shields or thrusters additional equipment.:)