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  • I just saw this thread OP. I am intermediate with Javascript, know how to compile in netbeans, and have MAJOR experience with databases, MYSQL especially. I see that you are looking to use the Unity Engine, great choice lot's of support. I am on board for this project, and willing to work for you. I'd start with a single system open sandbox, I think copying the FL model is a great idea. A few trade lanes, a few commodities, 1-2 ships, a few weapons, and the user interfaces. There are plenty of …
  • (Quote from SilverFox) OH MY ******** GOD THIS IS AMAZING! SO MUCH POTENTIAL! OP, I want to help you develop this. The port of textures is amazing, and that's just the web player, I can't imagine how an optimized application would look and run! Please message me, give me a project to do to help, ask me what I know how to do, I want to make this a reality. You could port the entire Crossfire Universe to an updated engine, and the name Continuum is perfect, continuing the game into the next gener…