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  • Hey All, and specially OPGood new first, I am back (even if just to check on the new Version)Bad News, I got banned (no clue why). I have noticed I could not sell buy at the battleship in California and got disconnected a few times leaving Kobe in Hiruga.I've already lost by old chairs (unless OP is willing to retrieve my old ID) and will be a pain to loose this chair with half of the old Sirius mapped.
  • Hey, I got banned again, guess, I need to check on my connection, but could you unbanned me midwhile?Thanks
  • cheers
  • And there we go again, after a 3 weeks (one of them without playing) I got banned again.I was buying Prisoners in Cambridge Research station. Must say I reinstalled once already. I reinstall one more (maybe the last update).
  • @OP well,I reinstalled today.But today I was buying Alien Organisms and the sliding bar always allowed me to buy 1401 (With a miner). and would obviously crash. But than if I buy only 1398, it won't crash (at least not that often). I have only noticed this after making 3 or 4 runs.The thing is that most of the times I don't even look and just fill the cargo.Although this may be a reason, it does not justify crashing when I sell looted guns.
  • Don't know about the vanilla one as I haven't come across it.I end up having to sell the 1400 cargo it in halves anyway, otherwise it sill certainly crash.I can try and make some videos if you think it helps.edit: just notice that the vanilla miner it is an Admin ship so obviously it wasn't with that one.
  • Banned again, no extra cargo,
  • Could it be the account? Should I make a new one and test?
  • Really not wanting to be a pain, I have 2 chars at the moment in which I cannot sell my cargo without the risk of being kicked out or even banned. I think there was another player today with the same issue. I've created a new account, but no luck either.
  • Banned again, if this keeps going like this I will have to resort to piracy to get my daily fix of Rum.
  • GuessYes, you got it,banned again.Btw It gets worst when I try to sell wreck spoils
  • And again ---- banned, with 2 accounts.
  • It's been happening with all different ships. Eagle, Saracen, Miner, APC etc...It happens with random commodities , looted items anything that involves buying or selling. I get to the point of going back to the choose character screen.I have been trying to find a pattern, but I can't.
  • You need to change the extension, but here it is. I just reinstalled and crashed twice
  • CF one attached.