Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • 1.Maybe I would get back to these project one day, but I would love to fly trough a city, in the midle of the building's and such, with difrent landing platforms, which one leading not to a station but to a difrent room (these last one it's easy). 2.A system where a batle is going on, BS stations at an engaging distance, you dock and you pick a missins to kill someone in the midle of the enemy fleet everyone in the way would be red of course. Maybe fleet's could change location with a dinamic u…
  • I like the better scanner's thing Simba, what I wouldn'y bother to mix with it, is the possiblity of remove the player locations from the chat window, at least for people outside the group, that could be kinda of fun with better scaner's.
  • I am wondering if te voice samples couldn't be just worked in a way they lokk feminine, any Audio expecialist around?
  • about ideias for CF ( and I thoght these was more like a general moding thread and not a specific one for CF)I like the Kermit ideia, plus a long waited super trade route between Sirius and Altair, or why not even to a hidden Order base in Scotia, basicly something really profitable but really danger at same time