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  • aww, this is so gay...we go out to breakfast for my dads birthday, and we BOTH miss the opportunity to help with the testing because my mom is in a"peter pan" offer my service, but i dont think my dad will let me......damn this really sucks [12] Well good luck with the testing anyways. Hopefully it wont have too many bugs and OP can take a break from all the modding and enjoy his creation by slaughtering us all (well...most uf us, anyways...>>)
  • (Quote) 35,000?.....we havent read the database lately i see..... A single coalie torp does over 1mill in hull damage. If you get 5 Bullpups/Hadairs with torps and launchers with a support wing (5-7 fighters) then killing the DK motherships wouldnt be hard to do. All it would take is the right ewuipment and good pilots. and BTW; you would never survive taking on all 5 of those by yourself. Sorry to smash your hopes and dreams.
  • Another fabulous reason to look forward to this weekend This week went by faster than i expected....i woke up on monday thinking, "damn, this week is gonna crawl by...." and its Thursday already. The block scheduling doesnt help at all (1hr30min classes instead of usual 50min classes), and neither does having to look forward to my US History teacher drone on and on and on and on and on and on........(he has a really boring voice)
  • (Quote) I usually fill my time w/o FL by playing Roto-X or Soldat (my name is the same in both)Usually Soldat, cuz you can kill people on there and its so much fun! (Quote) a bit of fun? If there is an easy way to detect cloaked ships, there might as well not be a cloaking device at all. Unless there was a serious flaw in the device, and you would get distortions that would still make the ship outline visible (sort of like when Q stepped behind the claoked Vantage in Die Another Day)
  • (Quote) i think they forgot that when OP makes up his mind about stuff like this....that he means it [11] personally, i dont mind not having the mod for a week or so, as i have other things to do, such as getting my skill back in Photoshop. I seem to have slid downhill further than i thought >> If hosting the mod on LR means waiting a few more days, well then, so be it P.S. Happy Birthday OP!