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  • umm you havent saw Morti Shun a CF trailer that was an OLD E3 2001 movie that show what MAYBE will be on Freelancer how ever Rhineland has a New Very Heavy Fighter or in short VHF that is called "Gunstar" the Gunstar maybe not beautiful but it's pretty strong and i think it's also cost 9 Milion so don't even DARE thinking about buying it before you have 11 MILION or else i will be looking at a bakrupted man.
  • If you go to the north side of dublin and coninue from there you'll get what you want
  • Sol C-4 is what you need.
  • (Quote) The nomad outpost is an ADMIN base so you can't dock there(What the ADMINS and server police dosen't deserve there own place? ). Yeah, the SKYBLASTS B sorry but the PPC's are the STRONGEST player usable weapons, the Skyblasts B's are the fastest strongest.Wrecks, There is one in a system that the jump hole to it the on the far side of the planet of the Trasus system that is named planet prophecy... hard to remember eh?And another one........... i forgot.Have fun . And for god sake at le…
  • One effective advice: [SIZE=4]GET A CANNONBALL MISSLE!![/SIZE]