Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Thankyou to everyone who offered me their assistance in learning my way around this most magnificent mod, Some genuinely nice and helpful people, Daywalker, Forlorn and Shockwave to name a few. Thankyou to all the over zealous role players who persist in hounding me over my choice of ship ingame forcing me to explain my choice over and over again , it shall trouble you no more as I am weary of it, and going to unload Crossfire. I regret any inconvenience caused. Farewell and good hunting to you…
  • ""@ Nothingtown14"People are opinionated and are always willing to tell you which ship they think is best." It's nothing like that mate, that sort of opinion is ok with me. It's the being targeted because I want to fly a specific ship that "belongs" to a specific aspect of the game (as most people see it) and I'm not part of that, that I am being questioned repeatedly, It's getting really annoying.
  • Ok guys, let me try to explain. I have read the server rules, several times. I have visited most clan sites and attempted to find their rules. it's a lot of rules, conditions, exceptions etc. granted as an RP game this is going to be the case, I accept that. Finding everyone's (clan's) rules, conditions etc is not a simple thing for someone new to crossfire and it's rather confusing trying to keep track of it all. Simply put, my favourite ship is the Redemption VHF, buyable at Station Hope in T…
  • Thx Arrow, I shall study up.
  • Thankyou all for your input. Now I know where to find all the rules I shall be well prepared (I hope) to fit in better.I am going to ask Michael for a decision on usage of the redemption and will abide buy it. And should I be allowed to use the redemption as my main ship I hope that will be the end of it.
  • (Quote from Bond)Lol, yeah I guess I can come across like that at times, (and Bond, my agrees with you, though don't we all have an inner child that screams now and then?), however as a MP game player for many years (try playing WoW every day for a few years and see what you have to put up with, it's one of the reasons I left) I guess I am just tired of people's sh_t and reached a point where I felt like making one. And one good thing has come from it, I get a better idea about some of my fello…
  • Great advice , thanks guys, and thank you all for your support..AND, I have officially been given the thumbs up from Michael to keep and fly the redemption vhf, HAPPY DAYS!! See you all in space!!