Search Results

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  • Welcome to the wondrous, fantastic place known as "Crossfire!" Perhaps you're new here, or maybe you've been here much longer than I, but regardless of experience I think you'll find this tour enlightening if not amusing. Anyway, Crossfire is a mod, true, but 'tis also a planet. Surrounding this hub of economic and military prestige are the systems belonging to CF's clans. Due to tensions between many of these RP-loving factions, people have become a little on-edge to say the least, bickering a…
  • lol, hic.. BG's whisky is powerful stuff. I'll edit before it's too late. *teeters* On a more serious note, I can't beleive how easy it is to find something to do on the server. Even in the dead of night when there are fewer than 8 people on one can do all sorts of things. True, we were bored senseless to be compelled to do this, but you should take some time to bathe in the glory of your mod, OP. What you designed is spectacular, but its true greatness is the core of Freelancer itself. The fea…
  • "Runs with beer" is from my neighbor's T-shirts. I was at a loss for words and decided to take his.
  • You mean the people who wobble and the ones that don't shoot in straight lines?
  • Outside of PvP you're looking for people colliding with things for no apparant reason, those who can't figure out how to dock, anyone other than me who spins around in a circle at cruise speeds for over five minutes, and the select few who try to start rodeo Kavash-back riding tourneys.
  • I don't think Server Prohibition would go over well as a lag-fighting tactic. On the other hand, if people's modems were soaked in alcohol I'm sure sooner or later the poor thing would catch fire and melt the line. Maybe it's a self-solving problem.
  • 1. Prohibition failed terribly in America; orangized crime skyrocketed and it was unpopular. 2. I have no idea how a modem would respond to alcohol 3. Lance <-- is definitely a nut 4. What do you mean, "guys"? (btw, nice avatar)
  • ...or we could drink 15 Dr. Peppers like Forest Gump
  • (Quote) Yes, and he told President Kennedy "I got to pee."
  • There was a Presidential Seal nearby... but not even I would do something like that xD