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  • About 300

    Pls tell me what do you think about the movie "300". For me it is only very good presented battle with definitely good effects but with none subject. If i must choose from 1-10 i choose 3.
  • About 300

    If i choose a movies like this, presenting big battles, LOTR the third part, is better than 300. The interesting in 300 is that there is no scene that it wasn't effected by computer. Well after all the film is made by the same team which have worked on Sin City. But the other is just the fight. I mean the subject was nothing more than how 300 worriors wake up one big country and lead them to the victory sacrifing their own lifes for it. Also level up the quality of the films, so we can wait for …
  • About 300

    First about the end, it was good enough. The film cannot be 6 hours you know... And because you have expected only battles what the movie actualy was and haven't understand what the film wanted to present then yes the end was stupid...