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  • Down for me too Maybe we got to take some systems out of ASF/CSF battle such as Ham, Texas and NL and make them nuetral so no large battles take place in them - in this case we were only about 6 pilots b4 crash. Blame me if u like - but I was only trying to tax some IOCs in Rheinland who then chase me to Ham and things got out of control. Ioc havent paid tax for 15 months and I am trying to collect the back payments and interest - I think with all things added together they owe the revenue offi…
  • BG said... Be happy that the server went down as BG reinforcements were on Recently I purchase a new mouse with many more buttons. I mapped one of them to crash the server when too many ASF pilots get near. And ... remember to pay ur taxes as no one can evade that responsibility .... like death ... it comes to us all. Citizens and pilots of Crossfire - I ask u is it right that some so called friendly clans can get away with not paying taxes when the rest of u happily do so? Help m…