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  • I always wanted to have Coalition Tags. This way I can have the tags that I want to wear. The problem will be server stability. Ok a question. I think we will need Two Launchers then
  • (Quote)I think that a player has a choice of how many characters he wants to have. The person who has Multiple ID's does not play all 20 at once or as in your case all 4 at once. Very rarely sometimes the lag suddenly comes for unknown reasons and goes away in a matter of few seconds. The Lag Detection System would kick out the player immediately and he may be in DK Space. The result is the minute you relogin you will be destroyed. The person running Windows Media Player in the background must …
  • (Quote)This strategy will only punish the Honest Players while the others will get away. I remember OP saying that if characters are not used for 90 days then they are moved to storage. I think many characters will fade like that. This will not work on people having multiple computers. I am planning to make more characters so that I can now have a few on each server. 5 Characters in total will be no more fun as people will devise ways to have more and only honest and nice people will be punishe…