Search Results

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  • I have been looking around the forum for a bit, but I cant find any thread regarding what the different clans specialize in, other than infrequent posts. I realize that I can ask ingame, but an explanation may take time someone does not have. I was wondering if we couldnt have a thread where the leader(or anyone else for that matter) states the objectives and motives for their clan. If this is a bad idea, tell me Rau
  • Well. I think the "best" RP for me would be merc or freelancer, as I am too gentle [12] to tax people.but police or military aren't ruled out by that .. atleast thats what I think How are the standings between ASF/CSF? That might be interesting aswell. and the current number of members might also be of importance (not that I can find any reason for it now :P) Anyway, Rau out