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  • ASF alawys wins cuz they are lagging, haha (j/k) but anyway, to all freelancers: please, join one of the already exsiting server clans, help them running and we will help to the others then ...unless the server has stabile clans, new clans will have problems ...
  • (Quote)-instability and less players to join them. believe me mate, i also had my own clan - but it didnt work. and i gave really my best, i even got help from SP but it simply didnt work. other clans here are dieing, which isnt great, so i think it would be better to help those clans first and then making your own onesif any1 here wants, i could make, let's say, a program of organozation how and which clan to help so the recruiting would go much faster. after the clans grow strong back again, …
  • np mate. if nothing else, i hope you will get official clan soon so you can join CSF/ASF