Search Results

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  • Personally I like the shroud.....but there is only one ship.....besides all the other cool ship .....that I wanna try out. It's called RAGNAROK. I've found a wreck of it....not gonna tell you where it is though...probably already know. Anyways I've found the wreck....but I wanna know if I can buy it on sum station and if so where is this station. If you dont wanna say where it is plz give me a hint as to where to buy one plz.
  • I dont think I stated my previous question correctly......I cant play online YET. I have a 128k wireless connection. Plz I love this mod with a passion and will only join in three months time.....getting a new 4 megabit connection So in all. I cant join clans Yet. Soz about that.And when im online ill be creating my own clan and system