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  • Presence

    Hmm, OP, precisely what is it that you consider to be a "mistake"? The fact that I'm building a mod. The fact that SirEx and SR MAY become one mod. The fact that Ghost has effectively had to leave CF. Or perhaps the fact that if SirEx joins with SR, you'll have absolutely no say at all in how it's built? In any of the cases above, it is not a mistake, despite your opinion. If you choose to feel that way, you don't have to play the mod, or be involved with it in any way. Ro9ue and I are good mod…
  • Presence

    Excuse me, BUT, no one "LETS" Ro9ue and I do what we want with OUR mods, period. We do as we damn well please. I have been a member of the SirEx team since its beginning. Long before Ro9ue got involved with you, so don't talk to me about "support". I'm sure that Ro9ue would thank you for the time and space you have provided here, and so do I. But your need to control things is intolerable to me. Ro9ue and I both created the idea, and he and I both chose the sort of mod we wanted to make. He has…
  • Presence

    I didn't put SirEx aside. I started working on my mod because I didn't have enough DATA to complete SirEx. There was nothing I could do to change that, so I had no choice. Now that Ro9ue is back, we're going to do the needed research and get the mods/or mod (in case they're merged), running. SirEx will be completed, and OP has no worries about me asking him for help, and he should never expect any from me again, either. Now, I've explained repeatedly about what happened to SirEx, if you're goin…
  • Presence

    (Quote) I see that him going to you was a mistake. Anyone else would have offered to help without EXPECTING PAYMENT. Forums are cheap. Especially the good free ones. Ro9ue was busy with school, and didn't want to give up on the Mod. I was away due to uncontrolled circumstances, and trying to throw that in my face is just a desperate grasp at straws. (Quote) Two days? I spent more than a year BEFORE he got involved with you, working with him on SirEx and other projects. Two days is nothing. Yes,…
  • Presence

    (Quote) I wish you luck OP, you're really going to need it. Deep down inside, you're a good guy, but on the surface, you're hard to get along with. I interpret things as they are written, not as you supposedly "intend". Frankly I don't have any intention to do anything "for SWAT", I'll do things for the overall community. And for the record: Your empty threats are meaningless. I tried to show you how to get it working, and offered suggestions, and you refused to listen. I told you how to solve …