Search Results

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  • As there were not enough CSF to make the idea of an ASF/CSF TDM possible, a normal TDM was held and the results are as follows: Team 1 Captain: TRF_Lucy 12/19DbrDbr 14/39BG_Corynthos 17/23SFP_Mellon 5/20BG_Spiky 24/7 - Most Kills Total 72/108 Team 2 Captain: PX_Black Arrow 24/16 - Most Kills NonFactor01 11/39DC_Drakon 8/20DC_Blade 24/15 - Most Kills PX_Darco 6/3 (only took part in the final 10 minutes or so) Total 73/93 I opted for most kills being the deciding factor but Team 2 would have won …