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  • That brings up a similar question. I'm playing the Single Player version too, and I'd like to be able to fly the plot missions this time in a Shroud, Predator or other Crossfire VHF (Take that, Nomads!) But I seem to be stuck. I'm at level 5 with 2.5million credits and I can't buy any VHF's because you have to be at level 30 to do so. I learned from my playing of the SP verion of 1.65 that you have to......... [[[ spoiler alert!!!! If you've never played the SP missions before read no further!!…
  • (Quote)That's only true in MP Trinity. In SP, your rank advances by alternately making money and completing the plot missions. For instance, you may go from level 8 to level 9 my making more money, but then to reach level 10 you have to complete a plot mission. At that point, your rank will not increase to level 10 no matter houw much money you earn. You will be stuck at level nine with access to only level 9 ships and weapons until you complete the next mission. (Quote)What's a trainer? (Quote…