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  • Crossfire v 1.7

    (Quote)Hear Hear!! I absolutely agree. I have played Freelancer a lot when it just hit the market (Yes, way back in time....) and just picked it up again a few weeks ago for 'good old times sake'. And now there's this mod.....grin....yes!....finaly a challenge! Most mods from past days where just camouflaged cheats. Stronger ships, super guns/shields/armour while the opponents stayed more or less the same. It only made it easier, not tougher or more interesting. It gets rather boring blasting e…
  • Crossfire v 1.7

    (Quote)Yes, I have. I just wrote down the undecoded co-ordinates to avoid a spoiler for other players. They can find out for themselves.....:-)Yes or no is all I need. Either I keep on looking or I will move on and explore the CF universe further. Just to boldly go where no sane man in a piece of junk and a vac-suit has ever wished to go to before...;-) Grz, Zirc.