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  • this is a fantastice idea OP and if Heagar can pull it of it will add a hole new lvl to the game play on CF which no other mob can come close to and will finaly give the mercs a perposs. one thing i would surgest (which u are probably doing) is can you do it so only players with merc liscences can take the bountys. this way it will help protect there role on the server.
  • @OP good point didnt think of that. guess thats why you do the mods and not me. Gust we have had mercs in the CSF before so that role does work in the ASF/CSF RP. Also to mount 2 lisceces would mean redoing all the ships to have 2 mounts which could be a hell of a lot of work. dont worry i am sure OP and Heagar will come up with something.