Search Results

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  • Patience Grasshopper You, I and everyone else want the same thing. No doubt OP is working on it and possibly fixing all the things we have been raising (complaining about) recently. The longer you wait for something you want - the more you will appreciate it when it arrives. And if it is not back up by the time I get home tonight - Look forward to seeing you online mate.
  • It is a 24/7 server But if we want someone to fix the probs regarding TradingMissilesLag Then that person will need time to fix it - it maybe difficult to do so when 50 of us are online. Hopefully we want have to wait long Reboots usually take much less time to complete Again Firekiss - if u r new here - I am sorry your enjoyment is put on hold for a while - hope u continue to enjoy it for longer next time.