Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • (Quote) So why exactly are you doing this? Feel free not to like people, but your approach to the problem is childish and indignified. I don't know how many players will respond to the call for the KOS to be serverwide, but I will. If you have a problem sort it out in privite, but realize that you cannot litter our forum with this kind of garbage and expect a positive reaction from anybody.
  • (Quote) More than 500 PvP victories mean something. I may be rusty from lack of practice, but I'm pretty sure that most of us here, myself included, could spend hours pawning you from one side of the sector to the other. Besides, even if one of us can't do it alone, it's not like it's going to be that way. No pilot can endure a 1 vs. 6 swarm when all present are aces
  • If you're so good then what's your screenname on the server and why are you relatively obscure here? I would think if you were amongst the best 30 or so players on the server more of us would recognize you (Btw, Corporal's clan is the Shadow Lancers. They are an active clan of mercenaries that have thrown creative twists of fate into many RP scenarios in the past weeks before the server went down. I don't know if any of their pilots are remarkably good, but I've seen them do wonders in packs. T…
  • Lmao, there's still plenty of room left on the bandwagon, let's pick up a few more hunters from each of the clans and call it a possie (and yes, I'm terribly bored atm to keep posting in this thread :D)
  • Oh my... there's a fire growing now. I suppose it's too late to quell it with something carring and nice, so I'll just sit here and roast marshmallows while everyone projects their vibes. @Boyscout: I'm pretty sure this isn't what he had in mind when he made the first post, but until he stands down this really isn't going to get any better [613]