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Search results 1-20 of 31.

  • Hi friends!! This is only to the people how made this mod... I want to ask why they do a mod so complex, the enemy ships are so tuff that you cant fight them, they have a shield that regenerate very fast, i shoot them, and they get fully again! why is that?? i like this mod cose have a lot of new ships, an cool stuff, please correct me if im wrong... thanks i'll wait...
  • Nice!!

    I just bought The Tmpest Ship. it has 6 montable weapons, 4 of them is class 10 Weapons, an the others 2 is class 9, has a 13000 of Armor, an lot of things, im using the GUARDIAN MKII, its a unique weapons, and the Wyrmm, and 2 Nomads Weapons, the nomas weapons are the best, big damage and no energy usage. P.D. Can i make a questions, where i can buy a better Ship?? where i can buy Shield Upgrades?? see ya pals.....
  • Yeah!!!

    Im looking up now thanks!!, im a big Crossfire fan! i try a lot of mods, i i simply thing this one one is the best!! P.D. where and how i can find this ships?
  • HEY HEY!!

    Im playing in open single player, not multi player, not yet, fir i will explore and then i will play on multiplayer... ufff, and what is NPC ??? [8]
  • Issue

    Can i make you a question ??? Why when i play Freelancer, the text garph goes out the box ?? i mean the letters goes out the box, im using and intel graphics card, Intel 82865, GL, GE......shipsets [5]
  • Ship!!

    Where i can find the best ship in the game??? [3]
  • I did it a lot of times, i update the drivers, but notihing happens, anyway, thanks, whel where i can buy the ship you told me?? [13]
  • Humm...

    Are you sure those are the best ships? take a loock to mi ship... Hydra Mk III Class: FighterSub-Class: Very HeavyGuns: 6/0Armor: 12900Cargo Holds: 60Max Batteries/NanoBots: 70/70Optimal Weapon Class: 8Max. Weapon Class: 10Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD/Tx2Price: 8,334,803Location Planet LimaNotes This is the precursor to the bomber class. Little slower, but with more armor, and an extra torpedo slot. The Hydra is a very mean ship, able to take out Capital Class ships by itself or easily with …
  • Sorry!!

    Man i did't say anithing wrong, i just asking, coz my first questions was, about the best ship just that, sorry if i bother you, i just trying to make friends.
  • Ships

    now im trying to find thjis ship, Basilisk, but is hard to find, couse the system Vorkuta is hard to find, any clue ???
  • Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks
  • Ship

    I got the F-190 Malice i a good ship, faster than any other Very Heavy Fighter i had used before, and a good design... i will try with Basilisk. P.D. Can i find all this russian systems?? in X-3043 StarGates? [6]
  • Nephele

    I found a lot of things in nephele, but no blackbox, how it looks like? is a stargate?? a jumphole?
  • Go go go...

    let me se, i hope there will be better weapons...[30]
  • Nothing.

    i just scan all the nepheles system, can you tell me exactly where is it?
  • Ok, ok,

    i know, i see that ship, you can biy a lot of weapons there, but i dont see any wreck, or Black Box, all i found was a jump gate to some cloud, and an abandoned ship, but nothing else, i got the best scanner, i shall see againn? Hey by the way, how can i change the picture?? i dont like to be!! [7]
  • Edit...

    Cool! lt me try and thanx....
  • Systems

    Ok, in crossfire, where i can fnd some bases? the new ones, the europa bases, it looks like russians ones, any clue ?
  • Systems....

    ok ok. im just trying to find those systems, couse im getting tire of the old systems, can any body tell me where i cand find a portal to there?? i know that there is a lot of systems, new ones, ok i wait. P.D. and long life to the bunny!!! [8]
  • Nice!!!

    You people toke the neseasry time to make this mod, is the best, now with this map i will see all this huge MOD! is the best friends, i will try now! well im playing right now, im exploring, but i prefer to be the classic Freelancer, do what i want with the people i want, anyway can i ask how i can play in multi player mode?? and how to connect to a server, i mean your sever, and maybe be part of some clan...?? Ohh!! sorry i forgot to ask, what is this place called "Altar" ?? in more important …