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  • Now this is an interesting topic. I can say that i wanted this from a very long time. Ships like gunboats and cruissers/destroyers are not played at all (you can still see someone using battleships now and then) but even knowing this i am still eager to actually play with one of them... I even wanted to go with my order destroyer to the doms event, but Ajay said that Wanderer was already using one and a second will be just obstacle. Sure he survived for a few waves, but being blow up at some poi…
  • Ok, time for status report. I've made some tests with my order destroyer. Here are the results.Can confirm the maneuverability works more or less (can't say what's the difference, because sadly i've never tried the destroyer in real combat before the changes)Can confirm the reload time of the forward gun is indeed 5 seconds, what i do found though, is the range (don't know the default range, didn't made tests before) 1700m is the curret range of the main gun and 850 on the secondaries.Can confir…
  • So. I've made some tests today with both cruiser and a gunboat. Turns out the 80% damage reduction brings both cap ships in the fragile state. On the first encountered wave of ancients the shield dropped to two bars left before i could destroy even one ship, i had to retreat. With the gunboat it's even worse. On the first wave of nomads in FP7 near the gate i was left with no shield and two and a half bars hull left, i had no time to engage and i had to quickly dock out. I know this came out bec…
  • Cruiser forward gun range is ~3,8Turrets are 1,8Tested it numerous times. Also Ajay and few more can confirm that's true.Gunboat forward gun range is ~2,2Turrets are ~ 1,5OP, i know you design it that way, but here is what i think is happening.You might have given the range value in the game codes (or wherever it goes, i have no idea, i'm not a programmer) but the game itself can't read them correctly and instead of the exact numbers, it reads them with ~ 200-300 difference (excluding the gunboa…
  • I tested it with Ice-Warrior on his bs and fighter, then with Cavalry on his bs. Tested it with normal ncps (fighters/bs from Sirius) Also on a stationary targets like stations and bs bases
  • In that case, it seems everything works as intended. Then i think i am done with the tests so far. If you bring some new changes to cap ships i will be more than happy to do it again. Also about the bombers, they really are left behind like the cap ships, so if in the future there are some changes i might also make some tests for them
  • Ok. So yesterday i made a quick test (because the game crashed 2 times), but i didn't get much from it. Today i did a better to handle well with ancients and just by stearing left and right you can dodge about 50-60% of the incoming fire at the first contact and when you're in the actual fight if you keep doing it you will most likely be fighters on the other hand are more hard to kill, and personal for me i would …