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  • (Quote from Enryces)(Quote from Enryces)(Quote from Kermit)(Quote from OleMan)I'm dismayed and disturbed that there is such a hostile attitude towards those who want to adjust the SINGLE PLAYER experience to suit their needs. It is one thing to say this is a 'friendly' community but another to outright belittle those who have committed no crime other than being older than you are. What a shame.Yes, some older players can adjust and 'learn' how to play despite their age, but for others it becomes…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)I must be a borderline GENIUS if I could do what the actual dev/creator SWAT couldn't do! Holy cow!Gonna quote myself I suppose. This is from January 2018 at the time so it will have been 5 years as of January 2023.(Code, 15 lines) Having actually tested out this change, I've confirmed it literally does NOTHING to affect multiplayer. Doesn't require editing NPCs, factions, ships, weapon damage, shield modifiers, or anything that would be core to the actual mod itself. It …
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)I wasn't going to respond to this because it is very blatantly wrong, but ok I'll bite. Just for a bit of nostalgia, hmm?Let's start with the first mission of the game. You leave Liberty and you're like oh wow everything is cool scripts are going on. After the first fight you're told to dock with the tradelane. You remove all the 'fail' triggers so you can basically zoom off whereever and do what you want right? NOPE!As someone who's modded FL, you should know by now that…