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Search results 1-14 of 14.

  • Yea cumon guys, there is no honour in the dreaded F1 button. i have never used it in running the blockade and never will. i have only been killed once! Si has chased me on numurous occasions all round sol. it adds an element of fun to an otherwise monotonous trade route. if you cant run the blockade without your finger hovering over the F1 button then please dont bother in the first place, this kind of bad rp action is detrimental to me teasing BG! BTW Si you had your scanner fixed by a QUALIFI…
  • Yea!! buy a quality one pleeeeease m8!! hehehe Doppleganger.
  • ooooohhhh a challenge!!! hehe. you havent caught me yet m8! you keep me on my toes tho! im not surprised that your scanner is faulty tho m8: had it serviced by 2 highly WUALIFIED (lol) technicians. says it all really m8!! LMAO Doppleganger.
  • in respoonse to Argos, i constantly run the blockade in my train on my own m8. why? because its easier for me and safer for the escorting pilots who are not getting caught up in a fight! my train v 1/2/3 BG fighters, i think thats fair game! it gets my adrenaline going! its all about the chase for me, thats what turns this long monotonous trip into something i look forward too! it also gets a little bit of rp chat going between myself and my, ultimately failing, persuer!! keep up the good work …
  • Hey Amhos, give me a shout next time you go, we'll get drunk on that loverly whiskey and confuse the crap outta BG with our inate ramblings, and then quietly sneak past!!!!!!hehehe. Pfft Si and his dodgy scanner!!hehe. Doppleganger [prost]
  • it me or this this getting a bit too heated to still be called fun? F1 in F1 out, one party does it, then dont complain when the other does! if BG/Cyb/SL, or anyone else hired for the sol blockade, sees a trader on the sol route then for gods sake F1 into dublin when the trader is in New London, then no one can be accused of the DREADED(!) F1 syndrone. simple! stick to that one simple rule and all this unneccassary bulls**t about accusations and dishonoursble RP action can stop and we…
  • I for one as a trader(ahem...cough), wholeheartedly agree with every comment Si made about this situation. PLAY THE GAME GUYS! dont spoil it for the few of us who actually do have fun on the sol run and look to it for a challenge. if Si wanted too he could sit there in that massively armed Bullpup and blow the living crap outta dublin, but he doesnt coz its not exactly "sporting", not good rp. i dont want my fun ruined by a fearsome few who havent got the guts to run the blockade without litera…
  • strangers in the niiight.. tra la la la la la!!! i dunno m8, we'll be finishing each others sentences next!!! Doppleganger[863]
  • Woooohooooo!! Sirius, Altair and a new universe heh?!! and how about Dopplirius or Sitiar?!!!rofl Doppleganger[698]
  • my views as a legitimate trader(ahem) have allready been voiced on this matter many a time, if you want to run the sol BMG route in your train expect to be bloody shot at! take/hire an escort if neccassary, you earn 60 mil from the damn trip anyway! i would never F1 out of the blockade coz its fun to try and break through, thats what it is all about - FUN!!!!Si, Sanny and Tassie, aswell as other freelancers hired for the blockade can tell you all i allways rush the blockade, allways un escorted…
  • It was a conspiracy to sidetrack your thoughts from me Si!! HAHAHAHA Doppleganger[694]
  • Thank god for that. thanks OP. Doppleganger.