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  • Looks like all your posts get automoderated for some reason, IDK why. As for the battleships... I said my opinion on these couple of times before. I view them as pretty much mobile artillery platforms. I usually do PvE in them, mostly in the Inner Core. I'd go for Iteron. Cheap, CD resistant, can fire all turrets forward.
  • Just to show what I mean under BS PvE in the 'Core:
  • I had p much the same feeling back when I got around to fighting CSF battleships in X-3043. Later moved on to smacking the aliens which was even more fun.
  • Most of the quality was lost during the video processing (added music, then had to convert it into a format SWAT-Portal could actually accept, as it could only play audio when I first uploaded it). The actual quality is higher. Their weapons don't affect me because I outrange them.