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  • Could someone do something about "Mosasaurus", he keeps exploiting the AO run in New London and it spams the chat. It's annoying and against the rules. What he does is to kill himself to faster respawn at previous base. I wouldn't care about his actions if I didn't get to have it all spammed in chat, I have asked him nicely to stop it, but he said no. Piceture provided in attachments.
  • It appears there may have been a misstake. Idk who's right or wrong. I've been talking to ThanhRui as "Mosasaurus" was his alt account and he's saying he didn't do AO exploit, but still, he was where the AO route are today and it's a match. ThanhRui is telling me he was correcting his reputation with bribes and he's upset that his account got banned. I can't prove myself more than the screenshot of Mosasaurus reloging and suicide for an hour in New London, and he can't prove he wasn't exploitin…
  • (Quote from thanhrui)Like I said in game, chat spams your relog and suicide in a system where AO's are the most profitable... I'm a noob yes, and I don't know all the ways to exploit trade runs but I do know one and that's what it looked like so I asked you to stop and you responded "no", I told you I would write a ticket but even then you still didn't say something in your defence. as stated above I'm also obligated to report abnormal behavior and thats what I did, because chat was on fire wit…
  • (Quote from ringotwin) Yes, dearly noted. Been talking to ThanhRui about it and we came to the conclusion that it was indeed a rep-fix and not some exploit. Although, Freelancer is not perfect, and the mod is complex, the finding-new-bugs days sure ain't over just yet (if you get my angle), I know a couple that has not been documented yet. Finding a character Lv100 you've never seen or heard about before doing remarkable activities in a system where AOs is highly profitable is either a very rar…