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  • Well, i am testing ships in Single Player at the moment and i just noticed, the docking behaviour on tradelanes and jumpgates of the Order Destroyer is seriously bugged. I used the search before and found nothing about this. So i thought i'd hand out this information.
  • Huh? That's odd, since all the other destroyers work perfectly, well at least in terms of docking on tradelanes and jumpgates. And the Liberty Cruiser seems to have the same dimensions as the Order Destroyer. It's just that most of the times the culprit either docks too high or too low, gets stuck like the NPC trains...
  • Well, it can't be helped then. But in relation to the vast amount of Ships available to the players, one or two bugged culprits is a good cut in my oppinion. I just hope it's not the same with the dreadnoughts lol Good work, guys!