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  • Whoever designed Hiruga System is a SADISTIC B@!£%$RD!!! Start a rumor that there's the best shield in the game that you can buy if you have the credit. Oh yes! it will surely tickle the curiosity of the newbies with a pea-brain like me. Then put it on the place designed to trigger anxiety, frustration, rage and confusion that will put Tagnent Maze by Walter Pullen to shame!!! On top of 4 gravimetric anomalies with different colors just to make the system seem colorful, why not put millions of …
  • Thanks bro. But, I can't go to New Tokyo. For reasons the eludes me, the Japanese seems to hate me whenever I stroll on their turf. Wait a minute...oh yes, I remember now. They thought I fried their beloved Governor Takagi. It wasnt me, it's my new buddy Hakera, the cool bearded guy and my good friend Ozu whom Takagi gutted with his blade weapon given to him by a group of assasins. As for the Redemption, in Tarsus It's off limit for me. I'm a newbie remember, SP lvl 17, just finished gatecrushi…
  • My bad bro.I'm a civil guy. I's called DARK HUMOR, a form of humor involving a twist or joke making the joke seen as offensive, harsh, horrid. Yet the joke is still funny. You need to have pension for dark humor in order to find it truly funny. In a way, it could be seen as the jokes are so horrible in their twist that it makes it funny. . Few knows how to use it, but I seem to have small penchant for it. I often use it to lighten my mood. Going back to Hiruga, I think it's something about the …
  • It works! Oh mama mia, it works! I made it out alive with my brain and ship intact. I say my ship intact because that last station in hiruga is rude. They fired at me because my eyes is'nt like them. Now, I wonder if it's still about that guy named Takagi? I'm here now in Kyoto puting ice in my face, with my darling Juni. You should have seen the drama when I went to the bar to meet lovely Juni. When I saw her drunk, I immediately apologized. I said, "sorry darling I'm late, duty calls." Then s…
  • Hey OP. So your the GUY who made my life miserable for hours, but it felt like eternity. Da&£$@!mn, you're a PRO man. You really know how to torment people. By the way. Who's the babe? You know, the one with a tattoo on her bumper. THE BABE!!! She's F!"&cn HOT man. is she German?
  • Hey AJay, thanks for the map man. You made a newbies life a little bit simple.
  • I don't know, but I think OP had a tantrum when he designed that place Maybe they had an argument with his sexy babe with a tattoo on the bumper It's just an speculation guys. But one thing is for sure, I wouldn't want to annoy OP. Who knows what he'll do next. Maybe he'll make the Dom'kavash and other alien ships pilotable, or meet other aliens and give you missions. DA@£&%mn, that would be scary.
  • What Hive System? You mean there's a place like Hiruga or worse called Hive System? Da@!&$mn! Now I'm wondering if this site is just a cover for the Mental Asylum Forum, because frankly, you guys are weird. And now you're planning a roller coaster trade lane? Well, while you're at it, why not include a fairy's wheel docking ring.
  • Great! You guys are a bunch of sadists. You really enjoy tormenting greens like me. This calls for a revolution! I call every newbies of Crossfire to create a new group called " Pea-Brain Clan". Let us hone our skills , buy the best ships, guns, equipments, etc. Let us threat, cajole, intimidate and destroy the base and ships of all bullies and thugs.We will reign over CF and boss around. And then, THERE WILL BE PEACE... Palpatine.jpg And when the peace becomes intolerable, we will fight amongs…