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  • Hi everyone, I recently got back to playing CF SP after a few days, but I realized all of my save files are gone, now I theorize this could be caused by two things: First one is my CF Client which updated the singleplayer files, that could've erased all of my manually saved games I made The second one is the Discovery mod which I play in a separate Freelancer folder, but I've never gone to play singleplayer with that so I doubt that is the problem, also it wouldn't just erase my save files it w…
  • Thanks for the reply. Thats odd, because I did not touch the FLMM since the last time I played SP CF, so I don't know what could've caused the savefiles to dissapear.I will check out that reshade edit.
  • Thanks for the advice, but I already checked the folder, there ain't nothing in it , guess I'll copy paste savefiles to desktop when I'm done with a session next time.