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  • There's a new server and my understanding is that all of our chars on are on the opposite one than is running atm. Your chars are fine and there's nothing to worry about.
  • (Quote) Sry to wander from the subject, but Amos, I did manage to upgrade that Banshee to a Sabre last night and get codename weps and decent shields for it. Took on nomads in FP7 and was actually challenged by a NPC fight for the first time I can remember... w00t! 6 hrs and a bit of guile can get you a VHF with no trading whatsoever (why this is post-worthy I haven't the slightest idea). I'm going to make and keep a Desp char to play desperado whenever I get bored (I like the ring to that CA, …
  • I can see three possibilities, but I'm sure all sorts of other funky things could happen.[afro] 1. Your chars from the old server overwrite all of the chars on the new server and nothing bad happens. 2. Your chars from the old server are added to the chars you have on the new server and you may or may not encounter problems resulting from having more than 5 chars when there's a limit of 5. 3. OMFG....WHY?!